What is the NutrEval Test?
NutrEval FMV (First Morning Void) test identifies key nutritional deficiencies. The NutrEval FMV evaluates overall nutritional status to determine personalized supplementation needs for antioxidants, B-vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, digestive support, and other select nutrients.
Identify Nutritional Deficiencies
NutrEval FMV (First Morning Void) test identifies key nutritional deficiencies. The NutrEval FMV evaluates overall nutritional status to determine personalized supplementation needs for antioxidants, B-vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, digestive support, and other select nutrients.
The NutrEval FMV is an advanced diagnostic tool to guide nutritional therapies, often augmenting and speeding the recovery of complex chronic conditions. Select genomics biomarkers may be added to the profile for enhanced personalization of therapies.
Nutreval with Genomics
We offer select genomics testing on our most complete nutritional profiles: NutrEval FMV amino acids and NutrEval Plasma amino acids.
Assessment of these select genomic markers (SNPs) in conjunction with the NutrEval supports broadened clinical insight and enhanced personalization of therapeutics in an array of patient conditions such as depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease, cardiometabolic syndrome, inflammatory conditions, and chronic pain syndromes.
The NutrEval Test is for anyone experiencing the following symptoms:
Mood disorder
Digestive Complaints
Chronic Pain/Inflammatory Conditions
Cardiovascular Risk
Weight Issues/Dietary Guidance
General Health and Sports Fitness Optimization
The NutrEval FMV Profile Includes:
Metabolic Analysis (urine organic acids)
Urine Amino Acid Analysis (essential and non-essential amino acids, plus intermediary metabolites)
Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids (red blood cell essential and non-essential fatty acids, including Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids)
Oxidative Stress Analysis (blood and urine biomarkers indicative of oxidative stress)
Elemental Markers (both nutrient and toxic elements)
Available SNPs – MTHFR, COMT, TNF-α, and APOE
Results matter
Once the test results are in, we will call you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rory, who will thoroughly review your NutrEval results with you and make concise recommendations based on his findings. Dr. Rory makes dietary, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations based on these test results.
Get Started
Schedule a consultation to learn more about lab tests and order yours today.